From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

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UX strategy, content strategy, and customer experience

UX strategy, content strategy, and customer experience

From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

UX strategy, content strategy, and customer experience

- Our third bucket, strategy, winds its way through both design and research skillsets and careers. But strategy has careers and skillsets of its own right. UX strategy ties business goals to the use of products by intended users. Are you able to achieve both happy business owners and simultaneously happy customers with products that actually lead to business success? Then there is content strategy which makes sure that content and messaging are consistent in tone and voice across a product. It is understandable by the intended audience and align with business goals. Have you ever found it jarring when going from one page of a website that informs you with succinct bits of information and the next page overwhelms you with wordiness? Beyond just the interaction, customer experience or CX, makes sure that there is strategic alignment between all customer touchpoints in the business, seeking to improve experience and…
