From the course: How to be Seen and Heard as a Video Creator

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Preparing to create video content

Preparing to create video content

- Are you ready to start showing up to create video content? Alexander Graham Bell says, "Before anything else, preparation is the key to success." Now that you know your unique presentation style, let's show it off. But before we hit the record button or go live, there are a few very important and key things every video content creator needs to do. First, create a rundown or outline. This is a sequence of events that will happen within the video or show. By creating this rundown, you know the direction you are going. Determine your location. Are you creating this content in your home, office, or studio? Whatever you pick, make sure the space you select represents your brand. It should be clear of clutter, free from distracting noise, and have great lighting. Script out what you'll say. I do not recommend word for word. However, a bullet style works well for me. And here's my pro tip. These bright index…
