From the course: How to Conduct a Phishing Email Investigation

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Analyze an email header

Analyze an email header

- [Presenter] Analyzing email headers can help determine an email's credibility, identifying its source, and understanding the route an email took to reach its destination. Here are some effective steps to analyze email headers. Open the email in question and locate the message header or view header's option. This will show you the full email header. Look for the received section, which lists the service through which the email passed on its way to your inbox. Start at the bottom of the section and work your way up to see the route that the email took. The received by field contains the last visited SMTP's service IP address. And for those who do not know, SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and is used to send and receive email messages. This field also contains the SMTP ID along with the date and time at which the email is received. The received from field lists the sender's IP address and the date and time…
