From the course: How to Conduct a Phishing Email Investigation

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Domain reputation investigation walk-through

Domain reputation investigation walk-through

From the course: How to Conduct a Phishing Email Investigation

Domain reputation investigation walk-through

- [Instructor] For this video, I want to focus more on investigating the sender and checking the domain reputation. Most suspected spam and phishing emails come from unknown companies. Realistically, Google and other search engines provide a lot of information. Unless you know every company established, you should use search engines. Each company has appointed professionals to create these so of course take these with a grain of salt. The idea is to see the company's purpose and compare that to the message sent in the email. There may be instances where other resources investigated the same sender or domain and these are helpful. But I'd like to take a second to address a rookie mistake, do not accept previous investigations as facts. First, you don't know the other investigator's skillset or expertise. Wrong verdicts are possible. The IOC that you're investigating could have changed since the last investigation and…
