From the course: How to Conduct a Phishing Email Investigation

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File analysis

File analysis

- [Instructor] There are instances where your email will likely include an attachment. Investigating a malicious file can be complex and requires careful handling to prevent further damage. In this video, we will discuss what to do when you encounter a suspicious file in your email. Warning, never download a suspicious file to your computer. The methods in this video are to be used only if and when you're able to download the file as an encrypted file. Considering we'll be using Google, which does not allow attachments to be saved as a specific file, we won't be able to include the crucial steps in this course. This approach is to be best used in a sandbox or when using an email security platform for work duties. We'll use two open source tools, OSINT tools, to scan and analyze the files. You can perform manual or automated file analysis, but we will focus on automated as manual is beyond the scope of this course. As…
