From the course: How to Use LinkedIn Learning

Hands-on practice - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: How to Use LinkedIn Learning

Hands-on practice

- [Instructor] LinkedIn Learning has added a feature to many of its coding and programming language courses that allow you to get hands-on coding practice, and receive real-time feedback as you're taking the course. Let's take a look at this. On the left-hand side, I want to navigate to the Coding Practice tab, and this brings me to that page that shows me any courses that have this accessibility. You can see here that LinkedIn Learning has incorporated code challenges powered by CoderPad, as well as courses integrated with GitHub Codespaces. Now I can narrow it down by one of the two. I'll click here on the Code Challenges, and then it's giving me the different courses that have these Code Challenges available in them. I'm going to go ahead and select one of them. And when I do, you'll see that this is a course, and on the left we have a table of contents with videos in it like we've seen before. However, in this table of contents, there is something that we haven't seen before and that is the Code Challenge. So right here's one, there's another one here, another one here, and so on. So I'm going to go ahead and click on one of these, and you'll see below it that it's giving me an estimate of how long it would take, 30 minutes. So I'm obviously not going to do this whole thing, nor could I do this whole thing. Alright, so up here you'll see the instructions. And anytime you go into this code challenge, in the top left, you'll see the instructions, and you may be able to scroll down if there are more. Over on the right is your answer, so this is the area that you can interact with. I can go in here and make changes to it. I could select text, change text, do whatever. Then when I'm done, I can test the code. So down at the bottom right you can put test code. Now I didn't make any changes to this, so it's not going to be correct. But over on the left, you'll also see at the bottom console output, which will then give me feedback, tips or confirmation that I was right. So here, I'll click test my code. It's running and it says you didn't get it right this time. Ready to try again. And then it says, need help and actually gives me a couple hints. So this is a really cool way to practice what you're learning and see if you get it correct. Now the other great part about these code challenges is that they'll always be followed up with a solutions video. So if you weren't able to do this or didn't understand it, you can go to the next video in line, which is a solution for that code challenge. So as you can see, once I clicked on it, I had that speed up pretty far here. As you can see though, when I clicked on it that this is the author now going through that code challenge and giving you the solution. Alright, let's see the solution for annotation. So these built-in features that allow you to practice coding are obviously very powerful, as they give you an opportunity to apply what you're learning as you learn it, and then receive feedback as to whether you're doing it correctly. If you're interested in learning about coding or programming languages, I highly recommend taking advantage of these.
