From the course: HTML Essential Training

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Responsive images

Responsive images

- Sometimes, we want to display a big, beautiful, high resolution image for people with big screens and then, shrink it way down for people on phones, on small screens. CSS can do this. One image file can be shown at any size. But there's a problem. A big, high resolution image contains millions of pixels. And all that data can make the file size pretty big. Which takes a lot of time to download on a slow network connection and can use up people's data plans and in some markets, cost them a lot of money. We don't want to deliver unneeded high resolution data to small screens. Instead, maybe we should just make all of our images much, much smaller. Physically smaller, less colored data, fewer pixels, more compressed, that will work well for a smaller screen. But then if we send that file to everybody, people with big desktop monitors won't get to see a large, glorious photo. They'll get a low quality photo blown up…
