From the course: HTML Essential Training

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Weird characters

Weird characters

- The less than sign, the greater than sign and the ampersand are part of the characters that we use to write html. So what happens when we want to use them in our content? We looked at this a little bit in chapter two during the video about code and pre, let's get into it more deeply here. When I write a greater than or less than or ampersand symbol with spaces around it, it will show up as content. But if I start to write something that might look like an html element, it disappears. The browser thinks it should do this as part of html instead of displaying it. If you are writing inside a content management system like WordPress or using a tool like markdown, there's a chance that the layer between your text editor and the pure html will handle these characters for you just fine. Other times, you're going to need a way to handle this yourself. This is when we use what's called a character entity. Html entities are…
