From the course: iCloud Essential Training

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Adjust account settings

Adjust account settings - iCloud Tutorial

From the course: iCloud Essential Training

Adjust account settings

- [Instructor] If you've linked your iCloud account with your computer or iPhone or iPad, then you've already seen some settings for your Apple ID and your iCloud account. But I think we should go back and clarify some important options. If you're working on a Mac, you should go to System Settings, or on an iPhone or iPad, you should go to Settings. Then click on the option for Apple ID up at the top of that panel. Now, if you're using a Windows computer, some of these options can be found in the iCloud utility, but you'll find more options on the Apple ID website or the iCloud website. If you're starting from the iCloud website, you can click the account button in the top right. And if you need settings related specifically to iCloud, you can click the iCloud Settings button, and you can go to Manage Apple ID for settings related to the overall Apple ID sign-in. But for now, let's stick with the interface here in…
