From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

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Assets panel

Assets panel

- [Instructor] When you're ready to start exporting out your assets from your Illustrator file, you're gonna need to do a little bit of prep work. And if you have multiple versions of the assets that you want to identify, you're gonna wanna be working with the asset panel. The asset panel is a tool that you can use to specify certain items and assign names to them, and even assign default export settings. Here I have two items in my asset panel. I have my logo, and I have a logo glow. In my layer panel, I'm going to temporarily turn on the background layer, and you can see that one of my instances of my logo has a glow around it. So I'm gonna want to export two versions of this out, the version without the glow and the version with the glow. I've already set these up in the asset panel, but let me show you how you can go about setting up your own assets. Let's say that I want this dolphin icon to be an asset. All I have to do is drag it into the asset panel, I'll give it a name, so…
