From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

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Comps for client review

Comps for client review

- [Instructor] For the most part at some point in the project development, you will need to share your files with clients, other designers, and or other developers. Setting up your files correctly and making it easier for the viewer to understand your intentions are very important. When it comes to presenting the mock up to a client, before the process of slicing and coding actually occurs some problems can arise. Clients are sometimes confused as to why you're giving them multiple sizes, they don't understand why the links don't function. So your job is to make this phase of the project as stream lined and as clear as possible. Obviously meeting face to face is the easiest way and provides the least amount of opportunity for things to be misinterpreted, but these days those face to face interactions are harder to come by and schedule in. So presenting the material and sharing it in a way that is clear is really important. I find that if you provide the comps in a format that the user…
