From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

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Create a wireframe

Create a wireframe

- [Instructor] Now that you know what a wireframe is, I wanna show you how you can use Illustrator to build out your wireframes. If you think about the elements that you're gonna be using and plan ahead, this can actually go pretty quickly. Here are some wireframes that I'm gonna be using for my Dive website. I have wireframes for the small layout, the medium layout, and the large layout. As you can see, all of the same information is present on each of the different layouts. I've just organized it a little bit differently so that it's optimized for that particular screen size. I'm dividing my website into different sections and containers. I have a header section. I have navigation. I have a call to action. I have a multi-column section that has testimonials and a multi-column section that highlights expeditions. Then I have the footer down here at the bottom. Each of the different layouts contains all of the same content, but as you can see, I've just organized it slightly…
