From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

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Design tips and tricks

Design tips and tricks

- [Instructor] I wanted to wrap up our course by going over a couple of web tips and tricks that you can do inside of Illustrator. The first thing that I like to do is I like to work with modular components when I'm making a website design. You can create modular components out of anything that you're gonna reuse multiple times. And remember that we can use the symbol library to be able to manage and store these elements. Here I have a footer, and I've already turned this into a symbol. And if I want to create multiple versions of my website, all I have to do is drag out the entire footer graphic, and within seconds I have a footer already built for my website. Another advantage of using symbols in this way is that when you modify elements, they'll update across your entire website. Not only is this gonna save you time, but it's gonna guarantee consistency. You can use this for any shared component, like a footer, a menu, panels, whatever you find to be useful, and something that you…
