From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

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Develop comps

Develop comps

- [Instructor] We've done all the hard work, and now it's time to build out our beautiful comp. We're gonna do this based on our wireframes. If you've taken the time to build out your wireframes correctly, the process of building the comp should be easier, and in many cases, much faster. Before we get into the wireframe, I did want to show you what the finalized file looks like. So here I have comps for my small, medium, and large screen, and as you can see, for the most part, I'm using the same graphical elements, but I've organized them a little bit differently, because I have more or less real estate available. In my layer panel, I have a layer for guides. I like to keep my guides on their own layer, so that I can easily turn them on and off when necessary. I have the layer that contains all of the artwork that I'm using in my project, and then I have a notes layer. The notes layer is a place where I can specify special interactive notes to either myself or the developer. So I'll…
