From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

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Dynamic buttons

Dynamic buttons

- [Instructor] Using Illustrator, you can easily set up buttons. You can make a button that allows you to change the text as needed without having to rebuild and resize the underlying button shape. It's a little difficult to explain, so let me just show you. Here I have a graphic with some text sitting on top of it. I'm just gonna pull out a copy of this, and I'm gonna change my text to say "Give Right Now." As you can see, when I do that, I'm stuck with the option of having to resize the graphic underneath the button, since the text no longer fits within the size of the button. I'm gonna show you how we can make a more dynamic button. If we compare the button that I just showed you to this one over here on the right, and if I type "Right Now," you can see how the button is going to update, and the size is going to be changed. Even the effects are gonna change. This gives us a lot of flexibility, especially when we want to use a particular style and apply it to a bunch of different…
