From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

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Edit color

Edit color

- [Narrator] Illustrator has two really great ways to edit and manage colors. Global color and recolor artwork. Here we'll look at the global color feature. Global colors allow you to easily change a color in the swatch panel, and it will change everywhere that the swatch is applied in your document. A global color is one that remains linked to a swatch in the swatch's panel, so if you modify that swatch, all objects using that color are going to be updated. Let me show you how this works. If I use my group selection tool and select the circle behind the octopus, the color chip that I'm using in my swatch panel is gonna be highlighted. And notice that it has a little triangle in the lower right hand corner. The triangle indicates that this is a global color. If I double click on this and then make a change to this color, and click okay, everywhere that that color is being used in my document is going to change. And that's because the global color was being used behind the octopus and…
