From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

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Export icons for screens

Export icons for screens

- [Instructor] When you're creating web graphics, you're going to be able to export in two ways if you use the Illustrator File, Export, Export for Screens setting. You can export artboards, or you can export assets. If you take this time to set up your artboards in the right way, you can save yourself a ton of time. In this file I have 49 artboards that I've set up and each one is going to contain a unique icon that I want to export out for the web. I took the time to name my artboards so that they are indicative of the icon that sits on top of them. This is going to be important because when I go to File, Export, Export for Screens, you'll notice that all of my artboards are going to be named. This name is going to be assigned to the file name. And I can produce multiple files very quickly in this screen. So what we're going to do is we're going to export out all 49 of these elements, I'm gonna specify where I want them saved, and I'm gonna choose to create a sub-folder, so that all…
