From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

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Extract CSS styles

Extract CSS styles

- [Instructor] Illustrator now has a CSS extract feature. You can lay out your design for an HTML page in Illustrator, which is gonna serve as a good visual guide for a web developer who can then code the layout, style the objects into the page, and render it out into the browser. However, replicating the exact appearance and position of components and objects is a time consuming process. In Illustrator, when you create your layout for an HTML page, you can also generate and export the underlying CSS code that determines the appearance and components of objects on the page. Well, sort of. I find that this feature has a lot of great potential, but I don't find that it works in the way that I want it to. So let me show you how it does work and then we can talk about the potential problems and advantages of using it. Here I have a page, and this is the detail expedition page for our dive website that we've been working on, and I have a lot of components that I've already styled out on my…
