From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

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- [Instructor] When you're creating website designs, it's really important to be working with a grid. A grid is defined as a network of uniformly spaced horizontal and perpendicular lines. It forms the basis for structure on which a designer can organize graphic elements, things like images, glyphs, paragraphs, et cetera. We'll wanna set these up in a rational and easy-to-absorb manner. A grid can help us to do this. A grid can be used to organize graphic elements in relation to a page, in relation to other graphic elements on the page, or relation to other parts of the same graphic element or shape. If you wanna create something that has balance in terms of the way that visual elements complement one another through their positioning, grids are the way to go. They offer you guidance on how to relate one object to another and most importantly, how to structure elements on the artboard. Beyond that, the grid helps designers create pixel-perfect artwork for digital devices. And in my…
