From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

How to use the exercise files - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

How to use the exercise files

- [Instructor] In order for you to get the most out of this course, you'll wanna download my Divein library so that you have the assets that I used in my exercise files. I've made the library available to you, and if you just follow this link, you're gonna be able to view the library. So, here I am on the page, and I'm viewing the library here. As you can see, it's going to display all of the elements that I've placed in the library. You're gonna wanna save the library. And once you do this, then the library's gonna be available for you to use in your library pane. So, at this point if you return back to Illustrator, you should be able to go into your library and find the Divein library listed for you to be able to use with these exercise files. If you have access to the exercise files for this course, in some cases you may try to open the Illustrator file, and you may see this warning message. Don't be alarmed. It's just letting you know that the asset can not be found, it's not able to link to the asset, so I'm gonna show you how you can get around this. I'll go ahead and click Replace, and it's gonna open the file, but if we zoom out the file will preview in the appropriate way. However, if you go to the link panel, you might see a red warning on a file that it's having problems linking to. If there's a little cloud icon behind the red warning, that indicates that that file is being linked from our Creative Cloud library. To relink this, you're gonna select the file. You'll go to the wing menu of the link panel, and you're going to click Relink from CC Library. At that point, it's going to open up the linked library, and you'll need to locate the appropriate file, so in this case it's this whale image. And I'm gonna go ahead and just click Relink. And now the file is no longer giving me the error message. You should be able to resolve any problems with the images not finding the appropriate library in this way.
