From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

Libraries: Collaborate

- [Instructor] Another great feature of Libraries is the fact that you can collaborate with other users and have them share your Library assets. This can be really helpful when working with a group of people because you can be assured that everyone is using the exact same assets. Let me show you how this works. I already have a Library and I've populated it with several items that we're using in our document. I wanna share this with someone else that I'm working with. If we go to the wing menu of the Library, you have a couple different options here. First of all, you can click Share Link. If you select Share Link, it's gonna open a browser window, and it's gonna give you the option to choose that your Library's gonna be private, which means that only you can view the Library, or you can make it a public link to share a read-only view of this Library with others. I'll switch mine to public and then once it's public, I'm gonna be able to copy the URL link and give this to other people. You have options right in here, which will allow you to choose to have other Creative Cloud users follow your Library and also to have other Creative Cloud Library users be able to save your Library file, and then you can add a description as well. I'm gonna go ahead and close this window and just show you what the Library looks like in the browser. As you can see, it's gonna show me all of the assets that are part of my Library and if we use the pull down menu here we can actually choose to Rename, Copy, Move, Send a Link, or Share to Slack. This of course is gonna be dependent on the fact that I'm logged in to my Creative Cloud account. If I wanna share my Library with someone else to collaborate and work with them, the steps are slightly different. I'll go back into Illustrator and from the wing menu of the Library pane, I'm gonna choose Collaborate. I'm gonna enter my friend's email address and I'm gonna invite them. You have the option to allow them to view or edit. If you say Can edit, they're gonna have the option to make changes to the Library, so just be aware that this is something that they'll be able to delete, overwrite, or modify. I'll invite Cayden, and now you can see that he's gonna be listed as one of the collaborators. Cayden's gonna get an email which is gonna have a link to the Library and at that point, he'll be able to click on the link and be able to access the Library. If you decide at some point that you don't want the user to be a collaborator, you can simply remove their access to this particular library folder. When you invite someone to collaborate on a Library, it's only going to pertain to that particular Library, so if you have other Libraries, they won't have access to those Libraries unless you make them collaborators as well. Being able to collaborate and share your assets is really a great way that you can work with a team or a group of users. I really love this feature in regards to Libraries.
