From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

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Site maps

Site maps

- [Instructor] A site map is a list of all the pages of a website. It's used to show your client the flow of a website, showing them where things are going to go, how it's gonna be structured, et cetera. It can also be used to lock down the page relationship and navigation names. It is a helpful document to create and use during the planning phase of web development. A site map is often the first point in a design process, where all the research and considerations start to form into something tangible, something you can put in front of your client and say this is the plan. As your project evolves, the site map may evolve too. Some designers will incorporate wire frame structures into the site map. It just depends on how involved you want your project to be. The site map is the architecture, the frame, or at least the foundation. It's going to define how people see and navigate, and experience the system of information and its functionality. It also helps to clarify those ambiguous…
