From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

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Text styles

Text styles

- [Instructor] When you're making web designs one of the really helpful features is to work with the character and paragraph styles inside of Illustrator. Character and paragraph styles allow you to save formatting options that you've specified to your text and then be able to quickly apply it to other text elements within your project. Here I have the finalized version of what we're gonna be creating. As you can see my text is formatted and I'm using a lot of different options here in regards to color, sizing, font faces and things like that. I'm gonna switch over to my start file. Here I have the same sort of elements but I have no text formatting as of yet. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna create some character styles. Now when you create character styles, you're gonna wanna create them based off of some text that you've formatted in the way that you want. So I'm just gonna come over here and I have a style guide layer which I'm gonna turn on. My style guide layer has a…
