From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

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What is responsive design?

What is responsive design? - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

What is responsive design?

- [Instructor] We're going to define responsive design in terms of working with Illustrator. With so many devices being used today it can be a bit overwhelming and daunting when you start to consider approaching a web design project. What size screen should I design for? What resolutions? What operating system? In this movie, we're going to be talking about responsive design and exactly what that term actually means. Today our content is being consumed on literally thousands of devices. We need to create and ultimately deliver content in a better way. Our website should adapt and show content differently based on the type of device viewing that content at any given time. You should design your site around the various experiences that you think your end users are going to need to access your content. You do not want that to be locked to a specific screen size or an operating system, or a particular device. Our goal is to create a design that will respond to the device that's viewing it…
