From the course: Improving Your Leadership Communications

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The golden rule

The golden rule

- 94482, these were the last five digits of my employee identification number at my corporate job. Employee ID numbers are necessary, they're a unique identifier, they streamline certain processes, they allow for accurate record keeping, and they provide a way to store confidential information. However, as a leader, you must never regard a person as a number. To treat a person like a number is an insult to his humanity. I want to help you learn how you can lead with humanity by applying the golden rule. First, be mindful that people are actual human beings. Human beings are complex organisms, they have their own identities, experience, thoughts, emotions, and feelings, all of which determine how they will respond or react to you and your message. This means that there isn't always a one size fits all approach, so at times you'll need to tailor your message to meet their specific needs. The more you know about each…
