From the course: InDesign: Typography

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Optical margin alignment

Optical margin alignment - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign: Typography

Optical margin alignment

- [Instructor] Previously we saw how combining custom hyphenation settings with custom justification settings and making sure that you have an appropriate column measure, number of characters per line, you can achieve really even spacing in your type, otherwise known as a good type color. So the fourth part of that equation is optical marginal alignment. Let's just talk about it a bit before we pick up the action from where we left it off in the previous movie. So on the left, passage of text without optical marginal alignment, and then the same passage of text with optical margin alignment on the right hand side. What's the difference? Take a look at the quote mark there. You can see how that is sticking out to the left of the text frame and the punctuation and hyphenation sticking out beyond the right hand edge of the frame. The rationale is that it actually creates a sharper line for the eye because a hyphen at the end of the line is a visual hole, so we're actually lining it up…
