From the course: InDesign: Typography

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Paragraph rules

Paragraph rules

- [Presenter] Paragraph rules are a great and very necessary feature in InDesign. They mean that if you want to have a piece of text reversing out of a solid box, you can achieve that using a paragraph rule. And the advantage of this is that if the text is edited, you see the rules move along with the type, you don't need to worry about leaving boxes behind. So here's how we can add paragraph rules to our text. I'll start by just applying some formats to the text, come to my character formats, let's make it all caps, let's make it bold. Bold because we're going to be reversing out of a color and that's going to slightly diminish its readability, so we want to compensate for that by making the text a bit heavier in weight and then I'm going to add a small amount of left indent and you'll see why in just a moment, but three points. Now I can apply the rule, I might want to do something else first, you may recall that the type here is white, so I need to apply paper or white to the text,…
