From the course: InDesign: Typography

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Text cleanup, the Story Editor, and Find/Change

Text cleanup, the Story Editor, and Find/Change - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign: Typography

Text cleanup, the Story Editor, and Find/Change

- [Instructor] Having placed the Text File, the next thing is to clean it up, to remove any multiple Returns or multiple Spaces or other unwanted Characters. You can identify more easily where these are by working with your Hidden Characters shown. Under the Type menu, the last item is Show Hide Hidden Characters. You'll need to be in the Normal View Mode to see them, so I'll press W. And you can see that we have the paragraph marks now showing up. I'm going to move to the next page, optional alt, page down. And in our text here, we can see that we have multiple Returns. We have a Tab Character at the start of the paragraphs, and we have multiple Spaces after a period. All of these things need to be gone. Let me just point out that over on the right hand side are some of the more commonly seen Hidden Characters. It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with what these look like. One that's not in that list is the Hash Mark, which means, End of Story. As another tip for just getting…
