From the course: InDesign: Typography

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Type anatomy and terminology

Type anatomy and terminology - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign: Typography

Type anatomy and terminology

- [Narrator] Let's talk about typographic terminology. These are some of the terms that I will be using. X-height, the height of the lowercase characters. Baseline, the imaginary line upon which the types sits. Going beneath the baseline, we have the descenders, in this case on the Y, the P and the G. Going above the X-height, we have the ascenders, in this case on the H. The cap height is the height of the capital letters. Those interior spaces on the O, the P, the G, and the A are referred to as counters. Now, while this isn't ultimately that important, there is a distinction between the word typeface and font. So a typeface refers to a complete alphabet, whereas a font refers to a specific style and size of the typeface. This means that if we use the word Garamond, for example, we're referring to Garamond, the typeface. But if we speak of Garamond, 14 point regular, then that's Garamond, the font. Having said that, many people, myself included sometimes, tend to mix up these two…
