From the course: Individual Accountability for Equity and Inclusion

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Educate yourself and others

Educate yourself and others

- Educating yourself is another critical step on your path to personal responsibility. After all, you can only challenge injustice and disrupt inequity if you know what it looks like. Now, I am not necessarily talking about formal education, although there is nothing wrong with that. I am talking about learning how people with different social identities experience the world. Remember, an environment that is open and welcoming to one person may be cold and isolating to another. Seeking to understand these differential experiences is the first step to dismantling oppression. Through proximity and understanding, we develop empathy. Here are a few things to keep in mind on this learning journey. First, adopt an orientation of curiosity and continuous learning. One book, one course, one conversation will not make you an expert. That said, each book, each course, and each conversation will bring you one step closer to…
