From the course: Individual Accountability for Equity and Inclusion

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Make space for others

Make space for others

- Intentionally creating space for others is another really important way that you can lean into creating an equitable and inclusive work environment. The word "intentional" is key because it is so easy for the status quo to dominate such that existing patterns become normative and remained unchecked and unquestioned. Furthermore, if it is normative, it very easily becomes invisible especially if you happen to belong to a social identity group that defines the default. As a Black woman in this professional space in the United States, it's not uncommon for me to be the only person of color in the room. And while it may be something that I am kingly aware of, I can also tell you that for many who do not look like me, it often goes unnoticed. Think about it this way, close your eyes, go ahead, and envision corporate America. Who is typically in the room? When decisions are being made, who's at the table? And even among…
