From the course: Individual Accountability for Equity and Inclusion

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What does DEI have to do with me as an individual?

What does DEI have to do with me as an individual?

From the course: Individual Accountability for Equity and Inclusion

What does DEI have to do with me as an individual?

- Hopefully it is now clear how DEI done right creates value for organizations. But what does DEI have to do with you as an individual? Now, you may think the answer is different depending on who you are, and that is partially true. You see, every individual can be categorized into different social groups across a variety of dimensions. Every single person has a race, a gender, a sexual orientation, an educational background, an economic background. These are what we call our social identities, and very often our social identities impact how we experience the world. I want to give you an example. A white, heterosexual, able-body man is likely to have a very different lived experience than a Latinx, queer, disabled woman. The reality is that depending on the social identities you occupy, you are probably more or less likely to encounter barriers, challenges, and discrimination, both overt and subtle. So yes, some people are…
