From the course: Individual Accountability for Equity and Inclusion

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Why individual accountability is important?

Why individual accountability is important?

- In our last video I made the point that everyone has a role to play in this work of DEI, but why? Isn't this what HR is supposed to do? Or relatedly, maybe you're wondering, how can I make a difference? That's not my role, or I don't have enough power to effect change at a company level. I'd like to challenge those assumptions. Now, it is true that organizational policies are an essential part of creating diverse, equitable, and inclusive organizations. Yes, from recruitment and hiring to leadership development, policies provide formal pathways to actualize DEI in the workplace. However, it is also true and I firmly believe that this work starts at the individual level. Let's dive a little deeper. First, organizations are made up of individuals so it is only when those individual people do the individual work that systems and structures can get created, modified, and reinvented by those individual people. Second…
