From the course: Installing and Running Ruby on Rails 6

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Choosing a text editor on Windows for Rails development

Choosing a text editor on Windows for Rails development - Ruby on Rails Tutorial

From the course: Installing and Running Ruby on Rails 6

Choosing a text editor on Windows for Rails development

- [Instructor] In this movie, I want to talk about choosing a text editor that you can use for your Ruby on Rails Development. You may already have a favorite text editor. If so, that's not a problem and you can keep using it, but there may be some of you who are coming to this course looking for some guidance on what to choose. The most important thing is that you do not want to use a word processor. It has to a true text editor or code editor. Those are going to work with text only without any formatting. There are a few essential characteristics that you want to look for. You want to have code coloring and syntax highlighting. That means the different parts of the text will be colored in different ways depending on its role in the programming language. It makes it easier to read the code and easier to find bugs. The syntax highlighting should support Ruby, Rails, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You also want a text editor…
