From the course: Integrating Mental Health into DEI

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Cultivating inclusion workplaces

Cultivating inclusion workplaces

- During my career, I was often the only woman of color and the youngest member of the leadership teams at the organizations I worked for. One of my last in-house leadership positions was at a large healthcare organization. Because of some prior experiences of not having a genuine sense of belonging and inclusion which meant I didn't feel seen, heard, or respected I was plagued with imposter syndrome when I was hired into this position. I worried if my opinions would be dismissed and if I had enough experience to be respected. However, despite my fears, I was pleasantly surprised to find a true sense of belonging and inclusion in my new role. I was able to fully express my opinions which were considered credible. I didn't feel like an imposter but instead felt like an equal part of the team. Feeling this way not only positively impacted my mental health, but also led to me exceeding the organization's performance…
