From the course: Integrating Mental Health into DEI

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Ignoring mental health creates a noninclusive workplace

Ignoring mental health creates a noninclusive workplace

From the course: Integrating Mental Health into DEI

Ignoring mental health creates a noninclusive workplace

- According to the World Health Organization, the prevalence of anxiety and depression increased by 25% worldwide. during Covid 19, as people faced isolation, grief, marital strife, and the fear of the unknown. At the time, the pandemic significantly changed how we work with remote work becoming our new norm for many people in the United States and work-related stress declined for many due to that sudden shift. Working remotely meant that for the first time, many felt like they had a safe workplace, free from toxic behaviors that had been causing them stress and anxiety before. Unfortunately, these negative behaviors are still present in shared physical workspaces, contributing to what is now being called The Great Resignation. The Great Resignation was a recent trend of many employees voluntarily leaving their jobs and seeking new opportunities. As a workplace consultant, I've spoken to thousands of workers about their…
