From the course: Integrating Mental Health into DEI

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The mental health stigma in the workplace

The mental health stigma in the workplace

From the course: Integrating Mental Health into DEI

The mental health stigma in the workplace

- After being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, I hesitated to share my diagnosis with my clients, friends, family and followers on social media for several months because I feared how people would perceive my ability to be capable and competent at my job. I allowed the stigma of mental illness to be a barrier for me to ask for and receive the support I needed in the workplace. Stigma in mental health is a negative attitude or belief about someone based on their perceived characteristics and circumstances. These factors can lead to discrimination, isolation and inequitable treatment for those affected, creating substantial obstacles for them personally and professionally. Companies often perpetuate inequities for people with mental health conditions by prioritizing physical health in their wellness initiatives. They promote healthy habits like exercise, nutrition and proper ergonomics, but mental wellbeing may receive…
