From the course: Integrating Mental Health into DEI

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Upholding work-life harmony

Upholding work-life harmony

- Have you ever heard of the Sunday night blues? It's the term used to describe the anxiety or dread some people experience on Sunday evenings as they anticipate the start of the work week on Monday morning. This phenomenon is especially pertinent if you don't experience a sense of purpose at work. Sunday night Blues can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety and even physical symptoms such as headaches or stomach aches. These feelings aren't limited to just Sunday nights. They can strike you when you're about to return from a holiday vacation or any time off from work. It's a common experience for many people and we need to recognize the impact of this anxiety on overall wellbeing. So, what can organizations do to help their workforce overcome the Sunday night Blues? Some would say to encourage a work-life balance. I disagree. Work-life balance implies you must divide your time and energy equally. This isn't…
