From the course: Introduction to Dynamo for Revit

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Opening and executing Dynamo files

Opening and executing Dynamo files - Dynamo Studio Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to Dynamo for Revit

Opening and executing Dynamo files

- [Instructor] Before we continue with our graph I just want to talk about a few basic concepts about file management and file execution in Dynamo. This is really more for those of you that are new to Dynamo. If you've already been using Dynamo, then you could easily skip this video. I left my screen in exactly the same state that it was in at the previous video. What I want to talk about first is, I mentioned that you should always launch Revit first, open a file, either a family or a project file, and then launch Dynamo, and it will tether itself to that current document. That's really important because of the way that Dynamo interacts with Revit. If you open multiple Revit files it can confuse Dynamo as to which file is actually associated with the graph, and you might get error messages right here. It says, "Run completed" for me, but that's where the errors would appear if you open up multiple files. It might say something like Dynamo's not pointing to the current document, or…
