From the course: Introduction to Dynamo for Revit

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Remove null values

Remove null values

- [Narrator] In the previous video, we were able to grab a list of all the views in our current Revit project with just a couple notes. But we ran into a snag where a few of the items on the list generated a null value. Now a null value is just an empty value. It contains no data. Now I'm not exactly sure why our list of use generated null values but the fact that they are null means that they don't really concern us in terms of being on a sheet. It's kind of hard for something that is empty to actually be on a sheet. So, I'm pretty certain that we can eliminate the null values without any concern. So, we need to find a note now that will allow us to do that. So, all I'm going to do here is click in the search field on the library and type in the word "null". Now depending on what you have installed in Dynamo, there are lots of third-party packages. You may get a long list here. For example, I've got something called Clockwork where it says List.Replacenull. I'm going to stick with…
