From the course: Introduction to Dynamo for Revit

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Reorganize points

Reorganize points

- [Instructor] In this video we have one more piece of logic to work out, and that is the order of the points that we have so that we have a consistent start point for each panel that we're going to place. Now if you you recall one of the earlier videos in this chapter, we talked about this issue. And there we discussed what would happen if you got the points out of sequence. Now when we talked about it there, I mentioned that the curtain panel that we had, ideally we wanted to build it in a consistent fashion where we always started at the lower left-hand corner and went counter-clockwise. We don't want something like this, where it zigzags on itself, or something where it starts at a completely different point and goes around in a different location. So it turns out that all of our points are at least in the correct sequence relative to one another, in other words, sometimes they start here and go around, sometimes they start here and go around, sometimes they start here. But they…
