From the course: Introduction to Dynamo for Revit

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Understanding lacing

Understanding lacing

- [Instructor] In this video I'm going to take another short break in the action and talk about another very important concept in Dynamo and that is the concept of Lacing. When you have more than one list and you want the items on the list to interact with one another then lacing becomes important. Because what lacing does is it decides how the items from the first list match up to the items from the second list. So there are three basic forms of lacing. Shortest, longest and cross product. So what I'm going to do here is use a very simple Dynamo graph to illustrate each of the three forms of lacing, and then in the next video we'll go back and apply that to our actual graph and finish creating the trees along the path. So I recently did a seminar on Dynamo with some co-presenters, and I'd like to thank my co-presenters sole amore for producing this file that we're looking at right now and allowing me to share it with you. So the first piece is going to be list lacing shortest. Now…
