From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Concepts

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Building a layout

Building a layout

- [Instructor] When you build a layout, the first option you're likely to decide on would be the live page area and the margins. And once you've established that, columns are a good way to divide up the horizontal page area, and the number you choose is entirely up to you, but I think six gives you quite a bit of flexibility and I'm a big fan of 12, which gives you even more. Between each column, you'll have gutters to give the flow a little room and incidentally, the area between margins on a spread that's two pages or two pages to view as it's referred to, that's called the page gutter. Once that's done, you're ready to start placing content, and now hopefully you'll see why I'm such a big fan of the 12-column layout, as it's equally divisible by two, three, four, and six, and it gives you a lot of options for placing content. Here's an example of one of my workbook layouts which uses the 12-column grid, and you'll notice…
