From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Concepts

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Color as information

Color as information

- [Tutor] Color can be used to organize information. Here in this diagram, as an example, I use color as a way of showing supported asset types by Adobe Creative Cloud Libraries and of course transit systems. The inspiration for this diagram, charts and graphs, navigation systems, both physical and virtual and more, use color to simplify information. It's a very useful tool, but it is important to consider that some of us see the world very differently. Color vision deficiency, or CVD affects one in 12 men and one in 200 women in the world. So it's a good thing to make sure that any system using color as its basis has supporting elements such as shape, icons, or text to make the message clear. There are also various services and features in some apps that allow us to check to make sure our work is CVD friendly. So, do make sure that your work is checked and you're being as inclusive as possible.
