From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Concepts

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Color harmonies

Color harmonies

- [Instructor] A color harmony is a group of colors that work well together and there are various types of harmony, but we will take a look at some essential and you can always explore more later. In this diagram, we have a color wheel that I've expanded to include some tints and shades. This is going to help us with our first harmony, monochrome. If we choose a hue, let's go with this purple. We can choose from tints and shades of that hue to create a monochrome theme. In practice, we'd choose between three and eight tones to work with as we have trouble distinguishing individual tones beyond that. So there you go, top tip. Analogous harmonies use neighboring hues along with their tents and shades, which you can do with anything, by the way. And complimentary hues are opposites on the color wheel. When complimentary colors are placed close to each other, they can be really, really striking, but should be used carefully as…
