From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Concepts

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Form and space

Form and space

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at the elements of layout designs starting with form and space. A form is a positive element like this dot here and the space around it is the negative. Space is an important consideration in design and as a demonstration, if we make the dot here smaller rather than becoming less important, actually in this context with it being surrounded by the large negative space, the opposite is true. It's the relationship between the positive and negative space the weight of the dot and the space around it that is at work here. The power of space is not to be underestimated and populating the space with dots and lines, the basic building blocks of design is how layouts are designed. Dots which do not have to necessarily be circular and don't in fact have to be a literal shape, create focal points. Their placement in a layout is how you will attract attention and or guide a viewer through a…
