From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Concepts

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- [Instruction] Ideation is where the design starts to evolve. You should start small by creating lots of thumbnail sketches that have very little detail. They should be the bare minimum to express what is going on in your head. Then start to create wireframe sketches to develop the ideas a little bigger. There's a simple vocabulary for wireframing with lines to indicate paragraph text, wobbly lines to indicate headings, and shapes containing diagonal cross lines to indicate the placement of an image or other asset. But you can draw whatever works for you. As you move through these ideas, you should be discarding what doesn't work and refining what does until you have something that is developed enough to be understood by the project stakeholders. So you can run it by them and confirm you're heading in the right direction. Just be aware though, that this is almost always an iterative process so be prepared to make a…
