From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Concepts

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Images and illustration

Images and illustration

- [Instructor] I can't think of many design projects that aren't centered in some way around images, photography, and illustration, at least to a degree. They're a significant part of many and indeed, I'll go out on a limb and say most graphic design projects. If you want to sell a product, show someone how to use something, create a connection to tell a story, you're going to need some sort of image, photographic or illustration. Photography is likely to come from one of three sources, a professional photographer, a stock image library, or you'll have to do it yourself. Real pro photographers seem to be actually quite rare these days. And those that are around tend to be very good and expensive. Not every client has the budget to hire one even if they should. Stock images are very cost effective but there's a trade off as you don't exclusively own the rights to the image you're using, and imagine how awkward it…
