From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Concepts

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Process and spot colors

Process and spot colors

- [Instructor] The CMYK printing process achieves great results, but it is a perceptual illusion. Just as RGB only shows us a fraction of the colors. we can actually see, the CMYK process is even more limited. And just so you know, the range of colors available in any model is known as the gamut. Here's an illustration of the total gamut of colors that humans can see and as a disclaimer, I ought to say, this is not accurate. It is just for the purposes of illustration. Actually, let's make that really clear. And maybe just one more. There we go. Good. One more. Okay, good. So all of that space using a very popular RGB working space, we have the ability to reproduce about this much. And as you can see, CMYK is less than that. Now, what you've got to do is keep in mind that everything else here is based on light transmissions. So going directly to your eyes, but with CMYK, you're seeing reflected light bouncing off the paper.…
