From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Concepts

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- [Instructor] Production is the final stage of the creative process and the part where the software tools really do come into play. To create the deliverables known as artwork or final artwork. If you're producing artwork or only be used digitally, then that process usually ends when you deliver the final format files such as JPEG, PING, GIF and SVG files. Artwork for print though is considerably more involved, and it requires you to be at least a bit familiar with the process or processes being used in the print production stage once the final artwork is signed off. There are four main kinds of commercial print that you're likely to come across, and it will be useful to spend some time, investigating these further. Process sometimes also called offset printing, is perhaps the most common. Using a mix of four base inks, cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. And sometimes also special added spot colors that you'll…
